How to connect account using Paypal

*If you already have Paypal Client ID, jump in to Step 6

Prior to configuring the PayPal Payment Gateway integration, an organization must have a PayPal business account. To retrieve the Client ID and Client Secret values required for configuring a payment account.   Follow this step accordingly:

Step 1:  Open log in with your PayPal business account credentials

Step 2:  After you have logged in, create a Sandbox Business Account to be able to make test payments later

Step 3: If you have created a sandbox account, click on "My Apps and Credentials" in the menu on the left and then on "Create App"

Step 4: Give your Paypal app a name and choose your previously created developer (sandbox) account. After you have finished, click on "Create App".

Step 5: As soon as the app is created, the details of the app you just created will open. You should now see the Client ID and an option (Show) below to see the Secret Key

Step 6: Copy this Client ID to Tmra payment settings and click update

Congrats! Your account should already integrated with your Paypal Business account. You can manage your fund and withdrawal at ease 🚀