How to connect account using Xendit

*If you already have Xendit Secret Key, jump in to Step 7 

Prior to configuring the Xendit Payment Gateway integration, an organization must integrate Xendit API. To retrieve the Secret Key values required for configuring a payment account. Follow this step accordingly:

Step 1:  Open and log in with your Xendit account 

Step 2: Go to Settings and Click on API keys in Developers card

Step 3: Click Generate Secret Key to get your own key values

Step 4: Fill out the API key name and manage the account Permissions. Click Generate Key.

For Tmra usability, use this rules for account permissions. 

  • Click WRITE on money–in.
  • Click NONE on money–out.

Step 5: You're successfully created the Secret API key (Important: store your secret key securely).

Step 7: Copy your Secret Key to Tmra Xendit Payment settings and click Update 

Now donors in Indonesia and Phillipines may have more payment options in giving back to the community through the kindness campaign you shared 💚