If you are accounted for different Muslim organization, try selecting a different theme for each one to help you quickly tell them apart. Your new theme will appear whenever you open that organization, including on the desktop app, browser, and mobile app   

Step 1: From your desktop, click your profile picture in the top right and select Settings 

Step 2: Click Appearance 

Step 3: Start to customize from the Utility section. You may change Image Logo, Theme Color even custom with your own Palette 

Step 4: Tell your organization story in Landing Page section. This will give clear background of who you are and what are your organization purpose.

Step 5: Insert Images to strengthen your background story and portrayed your previous activities 

Step 6: Upload your Fav Icon 

Don't forget to Select Update everytime you make changes in Appearance section. Your custom theme will be visible to donors. We encourage you to well-arranged this sections to attract more donors towards your campaigns.