This article will walk you through each step of the process, to create a Campaign that you can share to your fundraiser   

Step 1: To create a new campaign, click Create Campaign on the right side of your Dashboard page 

Step 2: Fill out the Campaign name, Description and Upload supported image that represents your campaign


Step 3: Choose which type of Islam charity that your campaign refers to 

Here's are the difference if you confuse: 

  • Infaq -  It is a type of charity in Islam that is given without any expectation of reward or return
  • Kaffarah - Opportunity to recompense for individuals who deliberately miss or break a fast during Ramadan without a valid reason
  • Sadaqah - Charity given voluntarily in order to please God
  • Waqf - Mortmain property is an inalienable charitable endowment under Islamic law
  • Zakat  - Obligatory act of charity amounting to 2.5% of a Muslim's annual savings

Step 4: Pick one or more than one method on how you preferred the fundrisers will contribute 

Step 5: Choose the currency and your fundraising Target to makes the goal happened 

Step 6: You will always have an option to present your marketing plan if there's any. This will convince your fundraising program and fundraiser get clear ideas how their contribution will goes to. 

And that’s it, you’re ready to get more kindhearted fundraiser to your campaign