Tmra Campaign Insights let you monitor the performance of your campaign performance, measure monthly, quarterly, and yearly growth, and discover which campaign are driving the most donors, even the most active donors! You'll get it in a form of clear graphics data  that can be shared to all your organization members  

Access your Tmra Campaign Insights 

Step 1: Choose Insights on your left side menu to see the campaign performance

Step 2: There's plenty of data range that represent your Campaign Performance 

  • Total Donations: Amount of money received for all of your campaign 
  • Total Program: An active campaign that live on donors page 
  • Total Donors Person: Sum of donors for all your campaign 
  • Returning Donors Person: A kind-hearted and loyal donors that contribute again to your campaign 
  • Most Popular Programs: Performance of each of your campaign in one graph 
  • Total Donation Per Program: Amount of total donors for each of your campaign. You can filter it based on Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly 
  • Campaign Overview: Progress for each your campaign towards the targeted goals 
  • Donors: Data of donors based on their username and location based